1. | Reorganization of Local Governments within the Context of Urban Growth and Political Fragmentation Ali Cenap Yoloğlu doi: 10.5505/planlama.2016.92005 Pages 81 - 92 Until the legislation of the law no 6360, urban growth and political fragmentation triggered by this growth was one of the most important problems in metropolitan regions in terms of management of local governments. It is controversial topic that to what extent the law no 6360 is formulated with reference to political fragmentation in metropolitan areas or to what extent the law no 6360 can provide solutions to problems experienced in metropolitan regions. However it is a fact that the number of municipality was reduced from 1977 in 2013 to 397 in 2014 by the legislation of the law and these municipalities became the districts of county municipalities. The aim of this study is to contribute to discussions in Turkey by summarizing literature on the problem of political fragmentation in metropolitan regions. |
2. | Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment Tools and a Comparative Analysis of Five Different Assessment Tools Serkan Yıldız, Mustafa Yılmaz, Serkan Kıvrak, Arzuhan Burcu Gültekin doi: 10.14744/planlama.2016.05914 Pages 93 - 100 The search for finding solutions for urban problems led to the emergence of efforts to apply the concept of sustainability to cities and hundreds of assessment tools have been developed to assess the sustainability from buildings to neighborhoods and urban scales. Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment (NSA) tools, which examine the buildings together with their environments and evaluate the topics like society, land usage, transportation, water, air, energy and biologic diversity as a whole economically, environmentally and socially, are the tools that have been presented in recent years and started to be recognized and used very recently. In this study, it was aimed to introduce relatively mostly known 5 NSA tools, reveal the differences and similarities among them through various comparisons and make an assessment. The main point of the study was comprised of determining the approach differences between the systems in respect of the main goals of sustainability through the comparison of each system’s main category and criteria in terms of scope, number and scoring. With this study, the world literature that is quite limited on this topic will be developed and contribution will be made to increase the awareness of the topic. It is also aimed to contribute establishing an assessment tool in Turkey. |
3. | Participation in Regional Planning: An Evaluation on Izmir and West Black Sea Development Agencies Rabia Güney, N. Aydan Sat doi: 10.14744/planlama.2016.25743 Pages 101 - 116 The starting point of this study is the strong relationship among regional development, regional development agencies and participation concepts. The aim is to evaluate regional planning studies of regional development agencies who are the most important actors of regional development from participation perspective. Izmir and West Black Sea Development Agencies are selected as case studies, and indept interviews with members of regional development agencies and questionnaires with participants from different institutions (universities, firms, NGOs and etc.) and citizens were realized in order to reach the aim of the study. The results of all these indept interviews and questionnaires shows us, although they are relatively new institutions, Regional Development Agencies give importance to the participation in regional planning process, but in order to increase the effectiveness of the participation there are more works and regulations that have to be done. |
4. | Content and Development of City Branding: Different Disciplines, Different Approaches Ulun Akturan, Senay Oğuztimur doi: 10.14744/planlama.2016.76376 Pages 117 - 129 City branding has been defined as the purposeful symbolic embodiment of all information connected to a city in order to create associations around it. It can also be seen as an instrument to communicate the city’s competitive advantage, the quality of the place, its history, lifestyle, and culture. Studies on city branding extend across academicians and practitioners in the last three decades. Cities as a product have both tangible and intangible attributes that are perceived by potential customers in a positive or negative way. Therefore, city branding is much more complicated than product or service branding. Besides, city branding is a multi-disciplinary concept including city planning, marketing, architecture, and tourism management. All these disciplines approaches to the city branding on the ground of their paradigms, and hence, there is limited clarity and agreement about terminology and definitions. The aim of this research is, then, in order to produce a holistic view, to explore the approaches, variables, and methods, via conducting a systematic literature review and to draw a map of city branding. In the study content an thematic analysis are used and in conclusion city branding literature is categorized under four thematic areas: (1) studies on city branding concept, processes, and measurement; (2) studies on branding strategies; (3) studies on social urbanism; and (4) studies on branding culture and tourism. Most of the studies qualitative methods and there is a general tendency to describe the data but not interpret the relations between the concepts and theories. |
5. | Ultimate ICT Network in Turkey For Smart Cities Özge Yalçıner Ercoşkun doi: 10.14744/planlama.2016.27247 Pages 130 - 146 A smart city is a place where the traditional networks and services are made more efficient with the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), for the benefit of its citizens. This paper provides an overview of ultimate ICT network built in Turkish cities. It also makes comparison of telecommunication status and infrastructure between Turkish cities by thematic maps using Geographic Information System (GIS) in order to visualize the ultimate ICT network for paving the way for smart cities. The paper begins with smart city concept and focus on best practices in the world. The next part gives some statistics on Turkey’s internet, mobile phone and social media usage. Then using the latest statistics, Turkish cities are compared according to some indicators such as the number of 3G, xDSL, mobile broadband and fiber subscribers, the length of fiber cable infrastructure. After making national analyses, some smart city initiatives and some governmental pilot projects on smart cities are explained to review the current situation for paving the way for smart cities in Turkey. The chapter concludes with some challenges and future options in city level. |
6. | The Level of Integration among Climate Issues, Urban Planning and Local Government Policies for the Winter City Erzurum Doğan Dursun, Merve Yavaş, Cansu Güller doi: 10.14744/planlama.2016.73644 Pages 147 - 159 It is well known fact that there is a determinative relationship between urban place and ecosystem. Increase of the level of human comfort in daily life within the well-defined relationship between urban place and climate is the common point for all of the thermal comfort studies focused on the interactions between them. Although there are so many studies in the literature about these issues, it could not be said that we have climatically comfortable cities in our country. This shows the urgent need of change for local governments and policies associating climate data and planning practices, and transferring this knowledge into implementation. Local governments are the responsible actor for the planning and implementation process of urban place and controller of the built environment. In this context, the city of Erzurum which is known with its climatic characteristics as winter city is determined as the case area. The main aim of this study is the determination of whether climatic data and winter conditions affects planning processes, local policy and strategies as well as the definition of the reasons. Within this framework, interviews were made with the representors of Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality and three Central District Municipalities; and also strategical, regional and old development plans were examined. On the other hand, interview was made with the director of the District Office of the General Directorate of Meteorology in order to evaluate whether there is lack of technical knowledge and systematic information about climatic conditions. The findings show that there is a lack of systematic information. Although awareness about the importance of climatic conditions is high, use of this knowledge in the planning process is very limited. Also it is observed that local governments’ perceptions of climate and winter conditions are still negative. Their attitudes towards winter and its positive externalities are only related to the winter tourism and skiing. It is clearly observed from Erzurum case that inexistence of relationships among climatologists, urban planners and local governors should be changed. This study was made with the aim of suggesting some general solutions and creating awareness about the climate change problems which we are experiencing in our country now and also constituting a starting point for the studies concentrating on the interactions between planners, climatologists and governors. |
7. | Investigating the “Ruins of Modernity” of the city: The case of Stone Ateliers, Denizli Ezgi Orhan doi: 10.14744/planlama.2016.87587 Pages 160 - 167 The city planning and architecture had been used as the instruments of the young regime in making itself visible, concrete, and symbolized. The buildings and urban plans transmitting the foundation ideals of Republic together with modernity have contributed to the creation of national sovereignty and a modern society. Divergence from the planning and architectural approach to that period and becoming the target of the political structure of particularly post 2000s caused the formation of a new expression in space. Yusuf Batur Vocational High School’s Stone Ateliers have been one of the places enabling to read the process; it was symbolized with early Republican Period, left in time, and finally intended to be deleted from the social memory by collapsing. This paper focuses on the transformation process of Denizli Stone Ateliers to the ruins of modernity by investigating its symbolic meaning and spatial structure. |