Planlama Perspektifinden Orman Sýnýrý Dýþýna Çýkartýlan Alanlar Sorunu: Ýstanbul Örneði [Planning]
Planning. 2020; 30(2): 198-220 | DOI: 10.14744/planlama.2020.93695

Planlama Perspektifinden Orman Sýnýrý Dýþýna Çýkartýlan Alanlar Sorunu: Ýstanbul Örneði

Pelin Pýnar Giritlioðlu
Ýstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü, Kentleþme ve Çevre Sorunlarý Anabilim Dalý, Ýstanbul

Ülkemizde orman sýnýrý dýþýna çýkartýlan alanlar sorunu giderek kronik hale gelmekte, kentleri, kentlerin doðal yaþam alanlarý-ný, ekosistemleri ciddi biçimde tehdit etmektedir. 1980 sonrasý dönemde hýzlanan ve 2000 sonrasý dönemde kapitalist üretim iliþkilerinin, kentsel rantýn ve hýzla güçlenip, siyasetin içinde de kendine yaþam alaný açan sermayenin baský ve talepleri doð-rultusunda orman sýnýrý dýþýna çýkarma ve bu alanlara herhangi bir kent topraðý olarak yaklaþmak suretiyle büyük inþaat fir-malarýna pazarlama politikasýna dönüþen bu süreç, bu alanlarýn etraflýca tartýþýlmasý gereksinmesini de beraberinde getirmiþtir. Bu tartýþmalarýn en tepesinde de orman sýnýrý dýþýna çýkartýlan alanlarda nasýl bir planlama yaklaþýmý geliþtirilmesi gerektiði me-selesi yer almaktadýr. Sorun kronik olduðu gibi, çok boyutludur ve teknik olduðu kadar, ekonomik, sosyal, etik ve politik bo-yutlarýyla da tartýþýlmayý hak etmektedir. Bu alanlardaki el de-ðiþtirme süreçleri, mülkiyet haklarý sorunu, ortaya çýkan rantýn paylaþýmý gibi konular, konunun geriye dönük çok boyutlu bir bakýþ açýsýyla ele alýnmasýný gerekli kýlmaktadýr. Bu çalýþmanýn amacý, ülkemizin kamusal mallarý arasýnda en üst sýralarda yer alan orman alanlarýmýzda yaþanan ve gerek yasal açýdan, gerek planlama açýsýndan kalýcý bir soruna dönüþen orman sýnýrý dý-þýna çýkartýlmýþ alanlardaki yapýlaþma sürecini yasal, politik ve ekonomik geri planýyla birlikte ele alarak ve konuyu Ýstanbul üzerinden tartýþarak, bu alanlara yönelik bir planlama yaklaþýmý geliþtirmektir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Orman sýnýrý dýþýna çýkartýlmýþ alanlar, planlama; 2/B.

The Issue of The Areas That are Removed Outside the Forest Boundaries From the Planning Perspective: Ýstanbul Case

Pelin Pýnar Giritlioðlu
Istanbul University Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Department of Urbanization and Environmental Problems, Istanbul

The issue of the areas that are removed outside the forest boun-daries continue to become a chronic problem that threatens the cities, natural life spaces in the cities, and the ecosystems. Started to speed up after the 80’s, in post-2000’s, this process has transfor-med into a marketing policy of major construction firms, as remo-ving areas outside the forest boundaries according to the demands and pressures of capitalist production relations, urban unearned incomes, and the capital that rapidly got stronger and opened up a life space for itself in the politics; and as approaching these areas as any other urban area. Eventually, this situation arose the need of an extensive discussion about the issue. One of the most im-portant points of this discussion is the question of what kind of a planning approach must be developed for the areas that are re-moved outside the forest boundary. As much as it is a chronic and multi-dimensional conflict, it also deserves to be elaborated as a technical, economical, social, ethical and political issue. The tran-saction processes, problems of property rights, and distribution of the unearned incomes require a multi-dimensional and retros-pective perspective on the issue. The purpose of this study is to elaborate the issue of construction processes conducted in the areas that are removed outside the boundaries of the forest areas, which are actually located in the top degrees amongst the public properties of our country. It aims to develop a planning approach for these construction processes, which become a chronical prob-lem for both the planning and the legal aspects, over the Istanbul case by discussing the legal, political and economical backgrounds.

Keywords: Areas that are removed outside the forest boundaries, planning; 2/B.

Sorumlu Yazar: Pelin Pýnar Giritlioðlu, Türkiye
Makale Dili: Türkçe
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