Ýstanbul Tarihi Alanda Neo-Liberal Kent Politikalarý - Soylulaþtýrma Konusu [Planning]
Planning. 2013; 23(2): 95-104 | DOI: 10.5505/planlama.2013.79188

Ýstanbul Tarihi Alanda Neo-Liberal Kent Politikalarý - Soylulaþtýrma Konusu

Ayþegül Can
Sheffield Universitesi, Þehir Ve Bölge Planlama Bölümü, Sheffield, Uk

Bu makale yenileme ve dönüþüm projeleri odaklanýrken ayný zamanda Ýstanbul’un tarihi mahallelerinde neoliberal kentsel politika açýsýndan soylulaþtýrma kavramýný araþtýracaktýr. Neoliberal kentsel politikalar, tarihi mahallelerde, kentsel yenileme ve soylulaþtýrma sürecini nasýl etkiler? Kentsel dönüþüm, yenileme projeleri ve soylulaþtýrma süreçleri arasýndaki karmaþýk iliþkiler ve buna ek olarak neden bazý durumlarda soylulaþtýrma yenileme dönüþüm projelerini takip etmekte olduðu araþtýrýlacaktýr. Bu noktalarý anlamak için, Türkiye ekonomi ve konut sistemindeki deðiþiklikler ve bu dinamiklerin Ýstanbul üzerindeki etkileri incelenecek ve bu bölümde, özellikle Ýstanbul’un tarihi soylulaþmýþ semtleri önem kazanacaktýr. 2000’li yýllardan önce soylulaþtýrma sürecinin konut piyasasý üzerinden gerçekleþmesi, ancak 2000’li yýllarla berbaer bu dürecin daha çok devlet eliyle yapýlan kentsel projelerle geliþiyor olmasý araþtýrmanýn önemli konularýndan biridir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Soylulaþtýrma, kentsel koruma; neo-liberal kentsel politikalar; kentsel dönüþüm; kentsel yenileme.

Neo-Liberal Urban Politics in the Historical Environment of Ýstanbul - The Issue of Gentrification

Ayþegül Can
Sheffield University, Town And Regional Planning Department, Sheffield, Uk

This paper will focus on the renovation and regeneration projects, and also on the gentrification concept in regards to neoliberal urban politics in the historic neighbourhoods of Istanbul. How neoliberal urban politics affect the process of urban renovation and gentrification in historic neighbourhoods? Examining the diverse and complex relationships between regeneration, renovation projects and gentrification processes and in addition to these, one of the main aspects of the present study is to understand why in certain cities gentrification occurs after renovation and regeneration projects. To investigate these points, changes in Turkish economic and housing system will be studied to understand the dynamics that affect Istanbul. In this part, also, a particular attention will be provided to the gentrified neighbourhoods in the historic part of Istanbul. Before the 2000s, gentrification through private housing market was the case in Istanbul, but from the 2000s state-led gentrification started to become more common. The reason behind the increase of state intervention and involvement in gentrification from the 2000s will represent a key aspect to investigation.

Keywords: Gentrification, historic environment; neo-liberal urban politics; urban renewal; urban regeneration.

Ayþegül Can. Neo-Liberal Urban Politics in the Historical Environment of Ýstanbul - The Issue of Gentrification. Planning. 2013; 23(2): 95-104

Sorumlu Yazar: Ayþegül Can, United Kingdom
Makale Dili: Ýngilizce
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