Günümüzde endüstriyel arkeoloji ve endüstriyel miras kavramlarý konusunda yapýlan akademik çalýþmalarýn sayýsý artmaktadýr. Bunun bir nedeni kültürel mirasa konu olan araþtýrmalarýn akademik çatýsýnýn geniþlemesi ve farklý uzmanlýk alanlarýnýn konuya dahil olmasýdýr. Nizhny Tagil Tüzüðü (2003) ile endüstriyel miras “Tarihsel, teknolojik, sosyolojik, mimari ya da bilimsel deðeri olan endüstriyel kültürün maddi kalýntýlarý” olarak tanýmlanmaktadýr. Fakat, endüstriyel miras ayný zamanda somut olmayan kültürel miras formunu da taþýmaktadýr. Bu durumun ülkemizdeki yansýmalarýný özellikle ilk sanayileþme dönemi ile iliþkilendirebiliriz. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin endüstriyel geliþiminin ürünleri olan fabrikalar, ayný zamanda ülkedeki büyük sosyal ve kültürel deðiþimin göstergeleri olarak da önem kazanmaktadýr. Fabrika ve yerleþkelerindeki sosyal hayat, deðiþiminin yerel ölçekte temsilidir. Bu nedenle terk edilmiþ endüstriyel alanlarýn korunmasý ve yeniden iþlevlendirilmesi, endüstriyel alanýn tüm katmanlarýný yansýtacak þekilde bütüncül yaklaþýmlarý gerektirmektedir. Araþtýrma dijital yöntemlerin, endüstriyel miras alanýnda kullanýcý/ziyaretçi ve kentteki paydaþlara aktarýlmasýndaki kullanýlabilirliðini Seka Kaðýt Müzesi kapsamýnda deðerlendirmektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Arttýrýlmýþ gerçeklik, dijital görüntü; endüstriyel miras; Seka Kaðýt Müzesi; sergileme.Industrial heritage today is being taken even more seriously by academes. It is due to the instituting of heritage studies across humanities, social sciences and natural sciences and developments in contemporary archaeology. Industrial heritage is broadly defined by many specialists after Nizhny Tagil Charter (2003) as consisting of “the remains of industrial culture which are of historical, technological, social, architectural or scientific value”. Meantime, industrial heritage comprises more then just material culture, but also valuable intangible forms of heritage. In the case of factories as the products of early industrial developments in Turkish Republic during 20’s and 50’s, they provide us important insights about the structural alteration in culture and social life in the region. Lives in factories and their campus areas were the representation of transforming identities of young republic. Therefore, preserving and conserving of such sites should consider not just the building itself but tangible and intangible heritages values together. Temporal layers including the time when the factory was still active, when it was abandoned and spatial layers including living and working quarters of industrial sites should be equally transmitted to various targets groups. This project considers how digital visualization contributes to perception of visitors with maintaining cultural mediation in SEKA Paper Museum situated former pulp and paper mill in Kocaeli district.
Keywords: augmented reality, digital visualization; industrail heritage; Seka Paper Museum; exhibition.