Özünde insan için tasarlanan mekân, özellikle de kentsel kamusal mekân devingen bir yapýya sahiptir, zaman içinde dönüþür. Mimari mekân tek bir birey için tasarlanýrken kentsel mekân toplumun ortak beklentilerini karþýlamak üzere tasarlanýr ve bu süreçte toplumsal tercihler belirleyici olur. Tercihleri etkileyen en önemli deðiþkenlerden biri ise kuþaklardýr. Bu kapsamla çalýþmanýn amacý içinde bulunduðumuz dönemde bir arada yaþayan, toplumu oluþturan X, Y ve Z kuþaklarýnýn kentsel kamusal mekândan beklentilerinin ve bu beklentilerin ne ölçüde ve ne yönde deðiþtiðinin ya da deðiþmediðinin, bu deðiþimin nedenlerinin karþýlaþtýrmalý bir bakýþ açýsýyla belirlenmesidir. Çalýþma kuþaklarýn kamusal mekândan beklentilerinde ve mekâný kullaným þekillerinde farklýlýklar olduðu hipotezinin sýnanmasý üzerine kurgulanmýþtýr. Alan çalýþmasý Giresun’da gerçekleþtirilmiþ ve X, Y ve Z kuþaklarýnýn her birini temsil eden, 30’ar kiþi ile toplam 90 anket yapýlmýþtýr. Anket sonucu elde edilen veriler karþýlaþtýrýlarak, kuþaklarýn tercihleri belirlenmiþ, nedensellikleri çözümlenmiþtir. Böylece kentsel kamusal mekâna yönelik tasarým kararlarýný etkileyecek yeni bakýþ açýlarý ve öneriler oluþturmaya yönelik bir tartýþma ortamý yaratýlmýþtýr.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Kentsel kamusal mekân, X, Y ve Z kuþaðý, kullanýcý tercihleri.The place that is designed for humans at the core has a dynamic structure, especially within the urban public space, and is converted over time. However, although the architectural space is designed in line with the wishes and needs of a certain number of people, urban public space is designed to meet the common expectations of the society, and social preferences come to the forefront. One of the important variables that affect preferences is the generations. With this viewpoint, the aim of the present study was to discuss the expectations of X, Y and Z generations, who live together in our present time, and the extent and changes in these expectations (if any), and the reasons for this change from a comparative perspective. The study was based on testing the hypothesis that there are differences in the expectations of generations from public space and the way they use it. The field study was conducted in Giresun, and a total of 90 questionnaires were conducted with 30 people who represented each of the X, Y and Z generations. By comparing the data obtained in the questionnaires, the preferences of generations were determined and their causality was analyzed. In this way, a discussion medium was created to form new perspectives and suggestions that would affect design decisions for urban public space.
Keywords: Urban public space, generations X, Y and Z, user preferences.