Bu çalýþmada Web of Science veri tabanýnda bulunan Türkiye’de þehirleþme ve þehirler ile ilgili çalýþmalar betimsel ve bibliyometrik bir analize tabi tutulmuþtur. Konu ile ilgili araþtýrma makalesi, inceleme makalesi, kitap bölümü, tam metni yayýnlanmýþ sunum gibi toplam 2370 adet çalýþma incelenmiþ ve çalýþmalar yýllara, ülkelere, dergilere ve yazarlara göre sýnýflandýrýlmýþtýr. Elde edilen veriler VOSviewer programý kullanýlarak ortak yazar analizi, anahtar kelime analizi, ortak alýntý analizi gibi çeþitli analizlere tabi tutulmuþtur. Tüm bu çalýþmalar sonucunda Web of Science veri tabaný özelinde Türkiye’deki þehirleþme ve þehirlerle ilgili çalýþmalarýn 1980’lerde baþlamýþ olmakla birlikte 2010 yýlýndan sonra çalýþma sayýsýnda ve disiplin çeþitliliðinde büyük bir artýþ olduðu gözlenmiþtir. Ýlgili literatürde yayýnlanan çalýþmalarýn büyük bir kýsmý Türkçe ve Türkiye’deki kurumlara mensup olan yazarlar tarafýndan üretilmiþ olmakla birlikte 11 adet farklý dil ve 72 farklý ülkeden ilgili literatüre katkýda bulunmuþtur. Bu konuda araþtýrma yapan baþlýca kurumlar ÝTÜ, ODTÜ, Gazi Üniversitesidir. Ýlgili çalýþmalarýn kaynak bazlý daðýlýmýnda ise Megaron, Planlama, ODTÜ Mimarlýk Fakültesi Dergileri ön plana çýkmaktadýr. Ortak atýf analizinde çalýþmalarýnda ise en sýk baþvurulan yazarlarýn Ýlhan Tekeli, David Harwey, Çaðlar Keyder olduðu tespit edilmiþtir. Ýlgili çalýþmalarýn anahtar kelimelerinin analizinde en çok kullanýlan kelimelerin baþka bir ifadeyle odaklanýlan konularýn baþýnda kentsel dönüþüm, göç ve kentsel yenileme olduðu tespit edilmiþtir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Bibliyometrik analiz, Türkiye þehirleri, Türkiye’de þehir-leþme, þehir çalýþmalarý.In this study, the publications in the Web of Science database on urbanization and cities in Turkey were submitted to a descriptive and bibliometric analysis. A total of 2370 studies, such as research articles, review articles, book chapters, and presentations with the full text of which were published, were examined, and the studies were classified according to years, countries, journals and authors. The obtained data were subjected to various analyzes such as co-author analysis, keyword analysis, co-citation analysis using the VOSviewer package program. As a result of all the studies, it has been observed that there has been a great increase in the number of studies and in the diversity of disciplines after 2010, although the studies on urbanization and cities in Turkey, in particular on the Web of Science database, started in the 1980s. It has been with the writers' 11 different language related literature courses, as well as an academic element in most of the literature articles. The main institutions conducting research on this subject have been ITU, METU, and Gazi University. Megaron, Planning and METU Faculty of Architecture Magazines have come to the fore in the sourcebased distribution of related studies. In the co-citation analysis, it has been determined that the most frequently referenced authors are Ýlhan Tekeli, David Harwey, and Çaðlar Keyder. In the analysis of the related studies’ keywords, it has been determined that the most used words are urban transformation, migration and urban renewal, in other words, the most focused topics.
Keywords: Bibliometric analysis, Turkish cities, urbanization in Türkiye, urban studies.