Bilindiði gibi, açýk yeþil alanlar kentsel sürdürülebilirliðin ayrýl-maz bir parçasýdýr. Pek çok farklý tipolojiyle kentlere; ekolojik, toplumsal, rekreasyonel ve mekânsal katkýlar sunmaktadýrlar. Bu katkýlarýn (çok iþlevli olarak) kentsel mekâna yansýtýlmasý sistematik bir yaklaþýmla mümkündür. Bu baðlamda hem dünyada hem de Türkiye’de açýk yeþil alanlara iliþkin pek çok hedef, strateji ve standart geliþtirilmiþtir/geliþtirilmektedir. Ülkemizde son yýllarda, tarihi bir öneme sahip millet bahçesi kavramý açýk yeþil alan tipolojisi olarak yeniden gündeme gelmiþtir. Bu kavram ayrýca, farklý açýk yeþil alan stratejileri ile birlikte ele alýnmaya baþlanmýþtýr. Bu doðrultuda çalýþmada, millet bahçesi kavramýnýn açýk yeþil alan sistemi planlama ve tasarým süreçlerindeki rolü irdelenmiþtir. Bu kapsamda, farklý açýk yeþil alan tipolojilerinin dünyadaki ve ülkemizdeki tarihsel geliþimi üzerinde durulmuþtur. Sonraki aþamada, açýk yeþil alanlara iliþkin ülkemizdeki yasal-yönetsel yapý irdelenmiþtir. Buna yönelik olarak merkezi yönetim tarafýndan ortaya konulan Millet Bahçesi Rehberinin açýk yeþil alan sistemi planlamasý ve tasarýmý üzerindeki etkisine iliþkin saptamalar yapýlmýþtýr. Son olarak yine merkezi yönetim tarafýndan gündeme getirilen millet bahçelerinin ekolojik koridorlarla bütünleþtirilmesine yönelik bazý öneriler getirilmiþtir. Böylece, millet bahçesi kavramýnýn diðer açýk yeþil alan bütünleþtirilmesine ve yetkin bir açýk yeþil alan sisteminin planlama ve tasarým sürecine önayak olabilecek bir altlýk ortaya konulmuþtur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Açýk yeþil alan sistemi, ekolojik koridorlar; millet bah-çeleri; rehber.As is known, open-green spaces are an integral part of urban sus-tainability. They provide ecological, social, recreational, and spatial contributions to cities, with many different typologies. It is possible to reflect these contributions (multifunctional) to the urban space with a systematic approach. In this context, both in the world and in Turkey, many goals, strategies, and standards regarding open-green space have been developed/being developed. In recent years, the concept of the nation garden, which has historical importance, has come to the fore as an open-green space typology in Turkey. This concept has also started to be addressed with different open-green space strategies. Accordingly in this study, the role of nation garden concept in the planning and design processes of the open-green space system was examined. In this context, the historical development of different open-green space typologies in the world and in Turkey has been emphasized. In the next stage, the legal administrative structure in Turkey regarding open-green spaces was examined. For this purpose, determinations were made regarding the effect of the Nation Garden Guideline, put forward by the central administration, on the planning and design of the open-green space system. Ultimately, some suggestions were made for the integration of nation gardens with ecological corridors, which were also brought to the agenda by the central administration. Thus, a base that can lead to the integration of the nation garden concept with other open-green spaces and the planning and design process of a competent open-green space system has been put forward.
Keywords: Open-green space system, ecological corridors; nation gar-dens; guideline.