Journal of Planning - Planning: 27 (2)
Volume: 27  Issue: 2 - 2017
1. Creative Economy in Urban Areas: On the Role of Urban Planner and Awareness
Ebru Kerimoğlu
doi: 10.14744/planlama.2017.24085  Pages 109 - 114
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. The Development of Rural Turism in Ankara, Beypazarı and Its Impact on Local Development
Ferdağ Tatar, Bilge Armatlı Köroğlu
doi: 10.14744/planlama.2017.26349  Pages 115 - 128

3. The Role of NGO’s in Improving Local Capacity and Local Development; The Case of Antakya
Kezban Becerikli, Bilge Armatlı Köroğlu
doi: 10.14744/planlama.2017.28290  Pages 129 - 140

4. Public; Up in the Air or in the Ordinal Scale
Meriç Demir Kahraman, Handan Türkoğlu
doi: 10.14744/planlama.2017.02486  Pages 141 - 151

5. Clash of Public Law and Private Law as Results of Protocol – Governed Planning: The ‘İzmir Basmane World Trade Center’ Case
Gökhan Hüseyin Erkan, Adile Arslan Avar
doi: 10.14744/planlama.2017.80774  Pages 152 - 168

6. Evaluation of Sustainable Construction Waste Management for Urban Regeneration Project in Izmir
Yakup Egercioğlu, Ayşe İregöl
doi: 10.14744/planlama.2017.41636  Pages 169 - 179

7. Religious Building for the City Identity: The Case of Antioch
Melisa Diker, Nilgün Çolpan Erkan
doi: 10.14744/planlama.2017.74755  Pages 180 - 192

8. A Geographical Information System Based Urban Sustainability Evaluation Model Proposal In Neighbourhood Scale
Gökçer Okumuş, Handan Türkoğlu
doi: 10.14744/planlama.2017.62207  Pages 193 - 204

9. Kitap İnceleme: İlhan Tekeli’nin “Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Kent-Kır Karşıtlığı Yok Olurken Yerleşmeler İçin Temsil Sorunları ve Strateji Önerileri” Başlıklı Çalışması
Ali Cenap Yoloğlu
doi: 10.14744/planlama.2017.63835  Pages 205 - 214
Abstract |Full Text PDF

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